AtaLoss can provide bereavement support via signposting, community support and training.
Their listed training on Eventbrite is here:
From their About Us/What We Do page:
This is how AtaLoss can help:
1.National signposting
- Easy signposting here, filtered by location, preference and need.
- Over 2000 local and national bereavement services highlighted
- Practical information and advice for those recently bereaved
- Accessible and translatable into 100 languages
2. Community support
The Bereavement Journey™ offers group support for adults to process past and recent bereavements.
Trusted and directed to by professionals (GPs, social prescribers, funeral directors):
- 7 sessions of films and discussion for anyone bereaved any time.
- Offered by churches for their community
- Hundreds of locations across the UK.
3. Training to support children and young people
Our ListeningPeople project offers emergency help and training for youth workers, teachers and other professionals in supporting children and young people affected by bereavement.
4. Training and equipping churches in bereavement support
Our Loss and HOPE initiative trains churches to provide effective and compassionate community bereavement support and become catalysts for Bereavement Friendly Communities.
5. Collaboration and partnership
We have developed successful partnership in the bereavement, public and private sectors to raise awareness of bereavement and its challenges, and to ensure everyone knows where to find support. Find out more about partnership with AtaLoss.
6. Awareness of bereavement in media
We are frequently invited by the media to comment on or speak about bereavement related issues: a trusted media source on bereavement, signposting and the challenges faced by bereaved people, including in mental health and wellbeing. We are also pleased to be listed on the BBC ActionLine, Channel 4 and ITV information helplines. For press enquiries only, contact Adam May or call 07736 949869.
7. A National Signposting Standard
Signposting to support is recognised as an important service, but this frequently consists of a short list of organisations, often the same ones which are often oversubscribed. We believe people deserve the highest standard of service when they are bereaved. Read about the national bereavement signposting standard we have pioneered.
Last reviewed/updated on 10/06/2024