NHS Wave 2021/2 1T&C2Contact Information 3Summary4Preparation5Positioning6Scope of service7Real Time Data and Referrals 8Sustainability and evaluation9Budget and Expenditure10Review and submit Welcome to the Central Hub. Before completing this proposal, we suggest you might want to look at our page on Developing a Suicide Bereavement Support Service to give you an idea of what a good service looks like, and what you might want to think about. This form has been developed to help you put together a proposal for a suicide bereavement service as part of the NHS Long Term Plan, 2020 wave.Applications are by invitation only. Please complete as much of the form as you are able, ensuring you have support and sign off from all of the people/organisations you reference. For the budget section, please ensure you are as detailed and accurate as you can be, although we understand the budget is an initial estimate of costs. For each of the sections, the information you enter will be saved as you navigate between the pages of the form. You also have the option to “save and continue later”. If you choose this option, you will be given a link which can be emailed to you, and we will save your form for 30 days. You can access your progress at any time by following the link. Once you are satisfied you have completed the form, you have a chance to review your answers. You can either “submit” which will send a copy to the Expert Reference Group Co-ordinator who will share your response with the Adult Mental Health Team at NHS England/Improvement, or you can download your finished document as a PDF. If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact Sue Christie, the Central Hub Implementation Manager, on [email protected]I have read and understand * REQUIRED yes no Contact InformationLead STP Board name * REQUIRED (incl. confirming this board will be accountable for tracking delivery of plan)Contact name * REQUIRED Email * REQUIRED Phone * REQUIRED Local Authorities involved * REQUIREDProvider trust(s) involved * REQUIREDCCG(s) involved * REQUIREDNamed Mental Health Trust Lead * REQUIRED NHS England DCO team * REQUIRED NHS England Region * REQUIRED PHE Region * REQUIRED PHE Centre * REQUIRED Exec Approval name and signatory * REQUIRED lead health partnerExec Approval name and signatory * REQUIRED lead public health partner SummarySummary (600 words approx)A description of the proactive suicide bereavement service that you plan to implement/develop, which should be consistent with the principles set out in the PHE guidelines, and with the Support after Suicide Partnership’s framework for delivering suicide bereavement support – hub.supportaftersuicide.org.uk This should include: Alignment with current support in your area How you might meet the local need, in the short and long term Governance – where will the service sit? Your plans for real time referrals to ensure proactive, early, contact with the bereaved (within 72 hours) Establishment of a bereavement liaison role Your response Useful tools and resources PHE Guidelines PHE Fingertips and Plan Summary Database Cross Government Suicide Prevention Workplan PreparationIn this section, you will need to outline in more detail how the proposed service will work within the structures and systems already in place locally. Please include existing services and any gaps, with a plan to address this. It is also important to consider the demographics of an area, local suicide data (e.g. demographic composition, methods, hotspots, local drivers and challenges), expected demand for a service, and support existing services might need.You may find it helpful to summarise all relevant organisations and stakeholders. You may find it clearer to summarise this graphically to show relationships between stakeholders. Don’t forget to include of the following stakeholders, if they are relevant to you: Health & Wellbeing, Safeguarding, Crisis Care Local Authority, Public Health, Statutory Services Police Services Emergency Services Primary & Secondary Care NHS Trust & CCG Commissioning Third Sector Services Community Structure & Services Coroners Pastoral & Faith Based Resources Local Suicide Prevention Campaigns Sanctuaries & Safe Spaces Your response PositioningThis is where you outline in more detail the ownership, governance and leadership of the planned service. Where will the service sit, and who might employ the Suicide Bereavment Liaison role or other staff running the service? How will the service be positioned to meet the local need? It may help to consider the following; Include a detailed demographic analysis of the locality Local suicide data, e.g. demographic composition, methods, hotspots, local drivers and challenges) Baseline against which service effectiveness can be evaluated. This is critical and will likely require research above and beyond what already exists. Service demand forecasting based on data (including any information on contagion and clusters) Data capture and performance assessment Real Time Surveillance and Referral methods Your response Scope of serviceThis section gives you the opportunity to include more detail about the scope of the proposed service. There is no one size fits all approach to delivering a service, so the ideal scenario is the development of a service that meets local need. Extensive knowledge of local systems, contacts, resources and pathways is imperative. Full-time and fully dedicated suicide support officers should be considered the default service template. You may wish to learn more about what a successful service looks like in our sections on Developing a Service and through the Case Studies on the Central Hub website, before completing this section. A service should be proactive (bereaved are contacted), have a single point of contact for service users, support through the inquest process, and be multi-agency. What are the essential support functions? How will the service support people bereaved by suicide? How will the service meet the needs of children and young people? How many full-time dedicated WTE roles and how this relates to projected demand What qualifications, skills, and personal attributes will the service team require? How lived experience will be integrated throughout the staffing structure Your response Real Time Data and ReferralsHere, you may wish to include a description and evidence of your plans for real-time data referral and surveillance system involving local police and coroners. This will serve two purposes: This will serve two purposes: Real time referral uses information to identify people, who may have been bereaved by suicide and offers support within one week of the death. Real time surveillance allows you to collect anonymised data on deaths by suicide, mapping methods, trends, location hotspots etc. to reduce and prevent further suicides You may wish to consider: Are they structures in place for Real Time Data? What will the referral pathway from frontline services to Suicide Liaison Service look like? Who do you need to engage in partnership to ensure a sustainable, reliable, information pathway? How will you keep data safe and secure in line with GDPR, and other data protection requirements? What is your optimum delivery format? For example, it may be a telephone call or visit from a suicide bereavement service How will you ensure bereaved families are initially contacted with an offer of support within 72 hours of the death? Your response Sustainability and evaluationConsistent and sustainable suicide bereavement support is essential, so ensuring that your service is developed with the future in mind is important. Measurement and evaluation, carried out independently where possible, allows constant improvement and refinement. You may wish to consider the following: Service sustainability from 24 months after funding allocation Methodology for service consistency and sustainability over time. Sustainable governance Meaurement and evaluation methods and planning (remembering that independent assessment is preferable) Continuous learning and service refinement Working with partners – opportunities for enhancing sustainability via inter-locating learning and co-operation Integration with current and likely future policy and funding landscape (including the NHS Long Term Plan) your response Budget and ExpenditurePlease detail the non-recurrent 2020/21 costs which will be funded by this proposal – this should be the cost of transformation and development, and NOT include the overall cost of any existing service. Note funding in 2020/21 is subject to further confirmation.ExpenditureTotal non-recurrent proposal value 2020/21. This should match the total funding that you are requesting and align with the activities/milestones you expect to deliver in each quarterQ1 (£)Q2 (£)Q3 (£)Q4 (£)Annual ExpenditureTOTAL 20/21Pay and Non-pay items Please add pay and non-pay items as applicable, this should include costs to: recruit additional staff (including secondment opportunities and backfill if appropriate). We suggest you use the mid-point of the AfC banding and include relevant on-costs, travel costs etc. Please ensure that the costs reflect the WTE for the role. support/deliver training and/or mentoring purchase materials/equipment/products. Please note that there is no capital funding available from this NHS England transformation funding procure external, professional services including specialist advice and/or project management inputPayDescriptionAFC Grade*WTEQ1 (£)Q2 (£)Q3 (£)Q4 (£)Total *(or equivalent) Pay Totals HiddenQ1HiddenQ2HiddenQ3HiddenQ4HiddenTotal Pay totals as listQ1Q2Q3Q4TotalNon-PayDescriptionQ1 (£)Q2 (£)Q3 (£)Q4 (£) Non-pay totals Q1Q2Q3Q4Total Non – pay totals as listQ1Q2Q3Q4TotalTotal 2020/21 Cost Contact Information Lead STP Board name {Lead STP Board name:15} Contact name {Contact name:30} Email {Email:17} Phone {Phone:32} Local Authorities involved {Local Authorities involved:49} Provider trust(s) involved {Provider trust(s) involved:50} CCG(s) involved {CCG(s) involved:51} Named Mental Health Trust Lead {Named Mental Health Trust Lead:34} NHS England DCO team {NHS England DCO team:23} NHS England Region {NHS England Region:24} PHE Region {PHE Region:25} PHE Centre {PHE Centre:26} Exec Approval name and signatory {Exec Approval name and signatory:27} Exec Approval name and signatory {Exec Approval name and signatory:28} Summary Your notes {Your notes:173} Preparation Your notes {Your notes:176} Positioning Data field {Data field:120} Scope of Service Your notes {Your notes:136} Real Time Data and Referrals Your notes {Your notes:179} Sustainability and evaluation your notes {your notes:170} Budget/Expenditure Expenditure {Expenditure:1} Annual Expenditure {Annual Expenditure:3} Pay {Pay:5} Total Pay {Total:11} Non-Pay {Non-Pay:36} Total Non-pay {Total:55} Total 2020/21 Cost {Total 2020/21 Cost:58} EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 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