

The National Health Service is the Government-funded medical and health care service in the UK that is free to access for all residents.

NHS Long Term Plan 

A plan proposed by NHSE which outlined its intentions for services in the next 10 years. It includes a significant commitment to suicide bereavement support, including; post-crisis support for families and staff who are bereaved by suicide, Suicide bereavement support for [bereaved] families, and staff working in mental health crisis services in every area of the country. 

Why we don’t say “commit” suicide

Up until 1961 suicide was seen as a crime and the term “commit” implies a sin or crime and pathologises those affected. The negative connotations can add to the stigma and shame that the bereaved may face. 

Appropriate alternatives:

  • Took their life,
  • died by/from suicide
  • ended their own life
  • suicided (less common)


The National Suicide Prevention Alliance are an alliance of public, private, voluntary and community organisations in England committed to reducing the number of suicides in England and improving the support available for those bereaved or affected by suicide.


The Support After Suicide Partnership is a network of over 70 organisations who work together to the Vision that everyone bereaved or affected by suicide is offered timely and appropriate support


The National Suicide Prevention Strategy Advisory Group provides leadership and support in ensuring successful implementation of Preventing suicide in England by advising the Department of Health, and other key delivery organisations and partners, on the relevance of emerging issues for the suicide prevention strategy and discussing potential changes to priorities and areas for action.


A public court hearing to establish who has died, and how, when and where the death happened. A coroner must hold an inquest if it wasn’t possible to find the cause of death from the  post-mortem examination, if the death is found to be unnatural, occurred in prison, police custody or in hospital, or if the coroner thinks there are grounds for further investigation.


A government official who conducts or orders an inquest into the manner or cause of death where there is reason to think the death may not be due to natural causes or which need an inquiry for some reason. 

Coroner’s officer

They receive reports of death and make inquiries on behalf of the Coroner and communicate with the bereaved individuals.

Coroner’s Court Support Service

An independent voluntary organisation whose trained volunteers offer emotional support and practical help to bereaved families, witnesses and others attending an Inquest at a Coroner’s Court.

Real Time Surveillance

When data of who has died by suicide is made available to analysts immediately after the event occurs so the appropriate organisations can be notified and respond appropriately in a timely manner.

Real time Referral

The collection of data about a person who is accessing suicide bereavement services.

The NHS is divided into STPs, CCGs and NHS trusts

STP – Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships are partnerships formed between local councils in 44 areas across England to draw up shared proposals to improve health and care in the areas they serve.

CCG – Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) commission most of the hospital and community NHS services in the local areas for which they are responsible. Commissioning involves deciding what services are needed for diverse local populations, and ensuring that they are provided.

NHS trusts – Organisations who may act as Health Care Providers and provide hospital services, community services and/or other aspects of patient care generally serving either a geographical area or a specialised function (such as an ambulance service). In any particular location there may be several trusts involved in the different aspects of healthcare for residents.


Integrated Care Systems are an even closer collaboration than STP’s, with NHS organisations and local councils. In an ICS, they take collective responsibility for managing resources, delivering NHS standards, and improving the health of the population they serve.


Public health England is an executive agency of the Department of Health and Social Care in the United Kingdom and exists to protect and improve the nation’s health and wellbeing, and reduce health inequalities.