Measurement and Evaluation Standards

Support and Resources 

The Core standards are designed to be used interactively. Each standard is linked to a range of resources, including templates, guidance and case studies, which offer support for services. You can access PDFs of the full Core Standards (as below) and a Summary in our resource hub.

You can complete, save, and download a self-assessment of your service here.

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1. Governance - The service has strong internal structures to support the delivery of a high-quality service and is engaged in wider local accountability and delivery structures.

1.1 Internal management structure : The organisation has an internal management structure, with clear lines of responsibility and accountability.
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1.2 Lines of accountability : The service has clear lines of accountability within local suicide prevention structures and is integrated/reflected with the wider suicide prevention strategy for that local authority area.
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1.3 Reporting & monitoring : The service engages in local accountability/ service monitoring meetings.
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2. Policies - The service has policies and procedures to support staff to deliver a high-quality service.

2.1 Guiding policies : The service has guiding policies and procedures in place to support service delivery, with a mechanism for regular policy review and update to reflect best practice.
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3. Staffing - Staff are suitably skilled and experienced and are provided with resources and support to deliver the service

3.1 Staff : The service has suitably experienced and qualified staff.
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3.2 Resources : Appropriate arrangements are in place to support staff.
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3.3 Staff training : All those involved in delivering the service have received specific training in supporting people bereaved by suicide, including age-appropriate training, training for supporting different groups of bereaved people and safeguarding.
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3.4 Education & development : All staff have access to education/training and continuing development, relevant to their role.
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3.5 Staff welfare : The service has a plan for maintaining the welfare of the suicide bereavement team.
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4. Collaborative/ partnership working - the service works in partnership to deliver a high-quality service.

4.1 Partnership/collaborative working: : The service is aligned to local priorities and actively engages with people with lived experience and partner organisations (e.g., local statutory, voluntary and community organisations) and attends multi-agency forums.
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4.2 Suicide bereavement awareness : The service is engaged in promoting awareness of suicide bereavement and the importance of timely support for those impacted or affected by suicide.
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5. Awareness and access - services are accessible and delivered proactively in a timely way.

5.1 Service information : Clear information on the service is available, including a description of the service, what it offers, contact details and how to make a referral.
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5.2 Addressing equality & diversity : The service has a policy in place to promote equality and diversity and to address any barriers to access, including for specific groups who may experience barriers to services.
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5.3 Using data to understand local needs : The service uses data and intelligence to understand and respond to the particular needs of its local population e.g. isolation in rural areas, people who do not have English as a first language, people with limited access to the internet.
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5.4 Understanding the impact of local and national events : As part of a multi-agency response, the service considers and plans for local and national events that may impact on the service.
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6. Delivering a responsive and high-quality service

6.1 Real time referral : The service is part of/engaged in a real time referral system, to effect a timely referral to suicide bereavement support.
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6.2 Single point of access : The service offers a single point of contact to people bereaved by suspected suicide.
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6.3 Availability of resources : Procedures are in place with the local police, local Coroner’s officers to ensure that all those bereaved or affected by suicide receive appropriate resources, such as Help is at Hand or Finding the Words.
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6.4 Proactive response : The service delivers a proactive response and makes contact, by telephone, online, or face to face within 72 hours of receiving a referral.
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6.5 First contact information : On first contact the service provides clear information to people using the service about what they can expect, the support available from the service and, where appropriate, signposting what other support might be available.
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6.6 Practical & emotional support : The service offers both practical and emotional support that responds to individual circumstances.
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6.7 Assessment and support planning : The service offers a flexible and adaptable approach to meet individual circumstances, recognising that needs may change with time following a death.
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6.8 Continuity of support : as far as is feasible, services should identify a consistent staff member to support individuals throughout their journey with the service.
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6.9 Follow up support : The service is available to people who may need it at different times throughout their journey.
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6.10 Follow up & sign-posting : At the end of support provision /post inquest, the service identifies follow up support and refers on or signposts as appropriate.
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7. Monitoring, measurement and evaluation - monitor and review service delivery to ensure it continues to meet the needs of those using the service and to inform future developments.

7.1 Data collection : The service routinely collects activity / outcome data to reflect the impact and uptake of the service
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7.2 Feedback from service users : The service has in place a co-produced and systematic approach to collecting and responding to the experiences of the full range of clients using the service and feedback is used to inform continuous service improvement.
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7.3 Engagement in development activities : The service is aware of and engages in relevant development activities, including research, national policy, developing best practice/ initiatives.
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7.4 Annual evaluation : The service undertakes an annual service evaluation, which is developed in partnership with people who have lived experience of suicide loss, local stakeholders and commissioners.
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7.5 Sustainability planning : Service has a sustainability plan in place which may include: relationship management, funding and service strategy for 3-5 years
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