Understanding Suicide Bereavement – Every Life Matters

The aim of this 3 hour online or face to face session is to understand why bereavement by suicide is a unique loss and how best to support those bereaved by suicide.

Being bereaved by suicide has been described as one of the most difficult and lonely experiences a person can have, and is often likened to a bomb going off in your life. And those impacted by suicide are left with an overwhelming jumble of feelings and thoughts, that can have a profound impact on their mental and physical wellbeing.

Learning Outcomes:

  • To feel more confident and comfortable engaging with and supporting someone bereaved by suicide.
  • To increase your knowledge of grief, especially in relation to suicide bereavement and issues particular to this form of grief.
  • To understand the stigma around suicide and suicide bereavement.
  • To recognise what can be helpful in supporting someone bereaved by suicide including the power and use of language.
  • To understand more about local and national suicide bereavement support resources.


The session will include small and large group discussion, lived experience input and PowerPoint based learning. All participants will be equipped with comprehensive signposting information following the session.


Booking Enquiries [email protected] (For in-house or commissioned courses outside Cumbria)


Open Sessions (for Cumbria Residents only) Every Life Matters Events | Eventbrite


Website link Every Life Matters – Suicide Safer Cumbria (every-life-matters.org.uk)



Last reviewed/updated on 06/06/2024

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